We’re Creating Multicultural Worship Experiences
Inspiring and equipping a diverse body of church worship teams, leaders, and followers of Jesus to embrace our oneness in Christ through creating multicultural congregational worship spaces.
A New Voice in Worship
Our award-winning music producers, worship leaders, and musicians have crafted new multicultural congregational worship songs and media resources that are free to access, share, and download.

A New Kind of Worship Conference
Launching early in 2025, our national and regional worship conferences are designed to inspire and equip through our multicultural congregational worship, nationally renowned keynote speakers, hands-on workshops, and much more.
See What People Are Saying

Vaughn Thompson Jr
Worship Pastor Cathedral of Faith, Third Culture Worship, Songwriter
“This project embodies the Spirit of God and His church. It is about the beauty of diversity. Diversity that actually connects us rather than dividing us. When the world says we have never been more different from one another, His church needs to stand up and say we’ve never been more alike.”
WE ARE ONE! “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.” (excerpts from Eph. 4:4-6 NLT)

Kirk Whalum
Renowned Musician/ Recording Artist/Songwriter
“E pluribus unum means “Out of many, one.” In today’s splintered, tortured racial climate, this well worn phrase from the back side of our coins catapults its way back into our national — and indeed global — psyche through important multicultural worship videos and songs from CultureFusion Worship. It reminds us that diversity is our strength and God’s gracious gift to us. These beautiful songs and the heart-warming imagery of their videos — beckon us to the powerful, unifying love represented by and inspired by the cross of Christ.

Mandie Pinto
Worship Leader, Vocalist, Musician and Songwriter, Shepherd Church
“When believers come to worship regardless of age, race, ethnicity or even musical preference, we experience the power of true unity as we lift up Christ! This is why Jesus desired for all brothers and sisters to be one as He and the Father are one. He understood that when we stand strong together, we show the world what God’s love looks like.
Culture Fusion invites everyone to engage in a holy moment as one body despite our differences and turn our eyes upon Jesus, our Savior and King!”

Abraham Laboriel
“Watching this I can’t remain just entertained as a mere observer. I feel invited to join in, sing along and partake in worship as a total participant. It is a testimony that Gods Word written in our hearts is constantly being expressed by His people in every tongue and every musical language.
Thank you Lord Jesus, that we are created to sing your praise together in your name. Make Us One today and forever!”